Water Wheels
On Tuesday we had scientists in the school. We learned about water wheels and how they work. Water wheels work by water getting on the big thin pieces of wood. The water poshis on the wood wich turns around and around. Water wheels can be used for meny diffrnt things like grinding wheat and pulling up hevy lodes.
by sarah.B
we aslso had Scientists in the Classroom to show us forse.
We also had scientists in the school. We leared about force and what it feels to hold a spinning wheel. It felt heavy. We also made magnets with wire, a batery and a nail.
did you had fun with the scientists in the school.
My class had a scientist in the school. we were learning the forces.
Hi sarah
Iwas interested when you said you had scientists in the school.Cause we had scientist in the school a fuw weeks ago.
by by
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