Hi Mrs Sawyers class!
Gess wat i went to
BIG WHITE in British Columbia with Koala Lou!!! There were dubl black dimins. I skied and snowborded. I can do a 360 on skis and I am wrcen on it on a snowbord. I can do rails jumps and evin grabs on my skis and snowboard. Koala Lou liked our room best because he likes the leather couches and stone counters. He went up high on the yellow gondola. Big White is 7 000 feet high. The ski club that I usually ski on is 500 feet high. I like freeriding too in the trees.
We went for 7 days. Koala Lou sat beside me for the plane ride. It was four hours and 43 minutes.
You can see pictures of Koala Lou in the cockpit and the plane.
Big White is owned by a guy from Australia!
By: Max